Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Speed Camera Lottery

Volkswagen has always been thinking outside the box for many decades. Which comes as no surprise when I read this article about their new program to help with speeding and speed cameras. What VW has done is let people submit ideas about how to change the world around them. The winning idea was from the US and his idea was that to setup a speed camera with its normal job to take photos of cars that were speeding. After that it gets interesting. The money used from the tickets gathered from people who sped would be pooled together and then a random person who followed the speed limit would be chosen and get a portion of the money that was pool together and that money would be sent to him or her. Its called Speed Camera Lottery.

Obviously there are upsides to this because a random person can get money. However, VW took all of the statistics for that day and saw that the average speed of that street for a day without the lottery was 32 mph.  On the day that they put in the lottery camera the average dropped down to the speed limit showed which was 25 mph. Interesting stuff.

The Speed Camera Lottery is just one idea that is made up of the "Fun Theory" (link provided) that is set up by VW. Check the rest of them out, it might just brighten our day.

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